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Parshat Vayishlach

Dear STOCS Friend:


Jacob’s Hebrew name יעקב is changed to Israel ישראל. How do we understand the name change or even its very meaning? Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch writes: “When a Yaakov to all outward appearances, is under the heel of all others and obtains a victory over the most vicious attacks of enemies fully equipped with all material means. This victory shows the existence of a spiritual power which outweighs all material might and power!”

In other words, the name ישראל serves as a powerful message to all those who oppose the Jewish people: they will never stand alone. While there may be times when the future seems uncertain and bleak, we must not lose hope. In the end, it will be the Jewish people who will rise, heads held high, serving as a living testament to the world of the existence of the One and Only God, the eternal Protector of Israel.

I eagerly await the day, may it come swiftly, when all the hostages are freed, and once again, they will stand tall, proudly declaring, "Shema Yisrael, Hashem Elokeinu, Hashem Echad!"

I look forward to seeing you in shul this week.

Shabbat Shalom!


Rabbi Evan Shore


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