Kellogg’s cereal products are now “OU”-certified. However, beef-based gelatin is an ingredient in all varieties of Kellogg’s Frosted Pop-Tarts, Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats, and Kellogg’s Rice Krispies Treats cereal.
All Kellogg’s fruit flavored snacks and all Kellogg’s Krave Treat Bars contain pork or beef-based gelatin. Be sure to check the label for the “OU.”
Supervision Changes
Certain Lawry’s products, including Lawry’s Seasoned Salt, had been “OU”-certified, but no longer are. They do not bear an “OU.” If you have purchased one of them in error, call the “OU” at 212-613-8205, and, based upon the UPC code, the “OU” can tell you whether your product was produced under “OU” certification.
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Lipman’s Kosher Market in Rochester delivers fresh glatt kosher meat and other products to Syracuse once monthly. Call 585-271-7886 for delivery dates and to place your order. Deliveries are made to Temple Adath Yeshurun and can be picked up there.