Parshat Re'eh
Dear STOCS Friend, Thank God, we received the wonderful news that Qaid Farhad Alkadi, 52, has been rescued by the IDF. We pray that this...
Parshat Va'etchanan
Dear STOCS Friend: Parshat Va’etchanan is fittingly known as Shabbat Nachamu (Shabbat of Consolation). Every year, we hold onto the...
Parshat Mattot-Masei
Dear STOCS Friend: At the beginning of Parshat Mattot, we read about the war against Midian. In this battle, the Jewish army completely...
Parshat Shlach
Dear STOCS Friend: Parshat Shelach presents a challenging perspective on Eretz Yisroel. The Jewish people, just weeks away from entering...
Parshat Behalotecha
Dear STOCS Friend: An often-overlooked nuance concerning Mount Sinai is found in Parshat Behalotecha. וַיִּסְעוּ֙ מֵהַ֣ר ה’ And they...
Parshat Bamidbar
Dear STOCS Friend: I would like to share the last part of a Dvar Torah I read by Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt from the Arutz Sheva website:...
Parshat Bechukotai
Dear STOCS Friend: This Shabbas we will be concluding the third book of the Torah, Vayikra. Upon its completion the entire congregations...
Parshat Behar
Dear STOCS Friend We live in a challenging world. The more I read, see, experience, and hear, the more I am astounded by how hostile...
Parshat Emor
Dear STOCS Friend: The count continues. We are at the halfway mark to the majestic holiday of Shavuot. On this holiday the Hebrews...
Parshat Kedoshim
Dear STOCS Friend: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” In the words of the famous Rabbi Akiva, this is a great principle found in the...