*STOCS sheet for Parsha Toldot
*Special Event! See the special event page for the details of a special movie viewing, Mamele, starring Mollie Pucin, this coming Sunday, November 19 at 2:30 PM.
*See the Coming Events page for an announcement of an evening with sofer Zerach Greenfield, “Not All Sifrei Torah Are the Same,” Monday, November 27 at 8 P.M. at the shul.
*New candlelighting, service and class schedule for November and December.
*The Balfour Declaration 100 years later...see the Balfour Declaration page for links to two informative articles.
*See new kashrut alert posting.
*A new video, this time from Cantor Moskowitz...a tutorial on Nusach for Shabbos and Yom Tov. Click here to access the video, or go to the Cantor’s video page.
*A new video from Rabbi Shore, “Simchas Torah Every Day.” Click here or go to the video page to access this new video, plus previous videos including, “Just Like Hashem,” “Never Giving Up,” “Focusing on Malchuyot,” a special moving message about Tisha B’Av and “Saying Kaddish for Non-Jews” and other past videos, including “Korach and Common Sense,” “Why No Tachanun in the Days After Shavuot?” , “Shavuot 5777....Unity,” “The Four Questions Are Not Really Questions,” “Haman and Adam...What Do They Have in Common?”, “Shuckling,” “Living a Lie,” “Anger, Frogs, and Star Wars,” “Where are your children?”, “Chanukah: A New Meaning”, “Jacob and Alternate Side Parking,” “Erev Election Day,” “Stand Up and Cheer for Rosh Hashanah,” “The Farmer, The Harvest, and The Rabbi” and many more past videos through our Vimeo links on the video page.
*See an editorial comment regarding Yom Yerushalayim on the Editorial Comment page.
*Congratulations Rav Shore, recipient of the Esther and Joseph Roth Award for community leadership from the Federation.
*See the special page, Israel in Our Hearts and Minds
*KOSHER CATERING FROM THE OAKS...see the Kosher Catering Page for details and access to the menus.
*See pictures from the Cholent contest.
*New: Tzedekah collection policy
*Eruv status - check here for the eruv status. A red circle means the eruv is not active, a green circle means it is active. This will always be displayed on this web site; you may also get information by calling the shul. The Eruv page shows the boundaries of the eruv and will link you to a detailed map.