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Chanukah Dinner
Chicken dinner prepared by head chef Rachel Chair and staff with obligatory Latkes & Sufganiyot. Also: Raffle, entertainment & games, Caricaturist. Please RSVP with payment to the shul office by Monday, December 4th. Cost: $18 per adult, $8 children under 12 - Family limit $50. No charge for cupcake decorating.

Tea & Torah
December 18 7:00pm

Chanukah Dinner
Chicken dinner prepared by head chef Rachel Chair and staff with obligatory Latkes & Sufganiyot. Also: Raffle, entertainment & games, Caricaturist. Please RSVP with payment to the shul office by Monday, December 4th. Cost: $18 per adult, $8 children under 12 - Family limit $50. No charge for cupcake decorating.

Each and every day, countless Jewish individuals around the world are positively impacted by the work of the Orthodox Congregation.
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